When the earth shall be shaken with a (severe) shaking
When the earth will rock with a rocking
The earth will be rocked with a jolt
When the earth will be shaken with a terrible shake,
When the earth is shaken violently
When the earth is violently shaken.
When the earth is shaken with a shock
When the earth stands shaken in a terrible tremor
The earth shall be shaken with severe shakin
When the earth will be convulsed with a (severe) convulsion
When the earth is violently shake
when the earth will be jolted with a terrible jolt
When the land is shaken with a shaking (popular uprising)
When the earth shall be shaken up violently
When the earth shall be shaken to its depths
When the earth is shaken with convulsio
When the earth will be shaken a terrible shake.
When the earth is shaken violentl
This will happen when the earth is shaken, shake
When the earth is shaken up convulsively
When the earth is convulsed
When the earth is shaken with a violent shock
When the earth is shaken violently
When the earth shall be shaken to its foundations
When the earth is violently shaken,
When the earth will be shaken to its depths
When the Earth trembles violently,
when the earth will suddenly shake with a terrible shaking
When the earth will be shaken a terrible shake.
When the earth will be shaken with a [terrible] shak
When the earth shall tremble with severe shaking.
The earth will be shaken up.
When the earth is shake
When the earth is shaken with a (severe) shaking
When/if the earth/Planet Earth trembled and quaked , trembling and quaking
In that day the earth will be shaken up in a most sever manner
When the earth will tremble, shivering
When the earth will be shaken with a terrible shaking
When the earth will tremor and then shake violently
(This will take place) when the earth shall be shaken with a violent shakin
When the earth will be shaken with a terrible shake
when the earth shall be rocke
When the earth shall be shaken with a violent shock
When the earth shall quake, quaking
When the earth shall be shaken with a shock
When the earth shakes and quivers
When the earth is shaken with a full shaking.
When the earth is shaken with violent shock,
When the earth trembles.
The earth will shake violently.
When the earth is shaken violently,
The earth will be rocked with a jolt
When the earth is shaken, shakenly.
When the earth (the body) is shaken with intensity,
When the earth will be shaken (with) a shaking
The earth shakes violently with earthquakes, volcanoes and convulsions
When the earth will be shaken, shaking.
When the earth shall be shaken to its depths
When will be shaken the earth (with) a shaking
Itha rujjati al-ardu rajjan
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